
N.A.T. MicroTCA systems for Honeywell

N.A.T. MicroTCA systems for Honeywell

Our company strives to be a long time promoter of industrial bus systems based on MicroTCA. The quality of production of one of our suppliers, a German company N.A.T. and benefits of this technology certainly is the fact that the products have been chosen by Honeywell Czech Republic for their applications.

Selection of N.A.T. MicroTCA systems product portfolio can be found here.


About N.A.T.

N.A.T. is the expert in manufacturing high performance connectivity products for data and telecommunication solutions. The product portfolio is dedicated to the embedded market, covering requirements from local area networks (LAN) up to wide area networks (WAN) - including standard interface modules for local and wide area networks based on common hardware standards such as AMC, MicroTCA, VME, compact PCI, PMC, PCI and others.

je expertem ve výrobě vysokovýkonných komponent pro řešení v oblasti dat a telekomunikací. Produktové potrfolio je zaměřeno na embedded market, pokrývající požadavky aplikací od lokálních (LAN - Local Area Networks) po rozsháhlé sítě (WAN -  Wide Area Networks) - zahrnujíc standardní rozhraní modulů pro místní až rozsáhlé sítě založené na společných hardwarových standardech jako AMC, MicroTCA, VME, compact PCI, PMC, PCI a dalších.

About microTCA

µTCA (Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture) represents a new trend in technology for industrial control systems as a flexible, scalable and robust platform - complementary to AdvancedTCA.
MicroTCA brings the benefits of high performance ATCA system at low cost and small dimensions.
The primary use of MicroTCA-based systems is in the telecommunications and enterprise networking - DSL multiplexers, BTS, or IP PBX is one of many suitable applications for MicroTCA systems, however that does not mean that MicroTCA is destined exclusively for the telecommunications sector - transportation systems applications in heavy and light industry, or military systems can also benefit from many advantages MicroTCA offers.